Selected publications
You can also find a full list of my publications on my Google Scholar profile
Albers, Larisa, Christopher J. Rogers, Jane Steinberg, Robert O. Vos, Daniel Soto, Ryan Lee, Jasmine Siyu Wu, and Jennifer B. Unger. “Proximity to cannabis retailers and recent cannabis use among a diverse sample of California adolescents.” Substance Use & Misuse (2023): 1-8.
Dong, Xiaoxia, Jasmine Siyu Wu, Elizabeth A. Walshe, Flaura K. Winston, and Megan S. Ryerson. “Residing in a Driver Training Desert leads to Delayed Licensure: Investigating the Relationship between Accessibility to Driver Training and Young Driver’s Licensure” Findings (2023).
Dong, Xiaoxia, Jasmine Siyu Wu, Shane T. Jensen, Elizabeth A. Walshe, Flaura K. Winston, and Megan S. Ryerson. “Financial status and travel time to driving schools as barriers to obtaining a young driver license in a state with comprehensive young driver licensing policy” Accident Analysis and Prevention 191 (2023): 107198.
Ryerson, Megan S., Joshua Davidson, Jasmine Siyu Wu, Ilil Feiglin, Flaura K. Winston. “Identifying community-level disparities in access to driver education and training: Toward a definition of driver training deserts” Traffic Injury Prevention (2022): 2125305.
Unger, Jennifer B., Robert O. Vos, Jasmine Siyu Wu, Kimberly Hardaway, Ada Y. Li Sarain, DanielW. Soto, Christopher Rogers, and Jane Steinberg. “Locations of Licensed and Unlicensed Cannabis Retailers in California: A Threat to Health Equity?” Preventive Medicine Reports 19 (2020): 101165.